Friday, September 5, 2008
The story so far...

Post by Anshul Khanna...PepsiCo India Beverages

“Reward and Recognize employees for their performances that reflect our goal of achieving leadership and growth while also abiding by our values and promoting an inclusive work culture.”
Under the ‘A-ha’ program of excellence, there are a number of awards at the MU (Market Unit) level, BU (Business Unit) level and at the international level. These are important as they instill a sense of pride in the employees, especially awards like Cost Saver Award and the Innovator Award for the marketing department, the Ring of honor award for senior level employees (Band 10+).
For FMCG companies, where the competition is so tough, such benefits and services gain paramount importance in attracting and retaining talent, for us, especially the sales force.
Anshul Khanna
Brand manager
PepsiCo India Beverages
Post By Sumit Gupta
Companies pay attention on benefits management because employees today consider it as their right.. from being an additional benefit, some of them have become basic need.. additionally, packages are no longer a constraint for attracting a talent.. so this has become one of the major differentiating factors for employees.. companies are only trying to understand an employee mindset and changing with the changing needs.
By: Sumit Gupta, Work-ex :3 years in a start-up firm at Bangalore, Currently a student at IIFT Kolkata
Organizational dynamics leads to the benifit structure..
Hi All,
Post by Mr.Tarun Banerjee...State Bank of India
Tarun Banerjee
Chief General Manager
State Bank of India
Ballygunge Branch
Kavindra Joshi (Wipro->Sap Labs)
This is Kavindra Joshi. Designation : Software Engineer at SAP LABS INDIA PVT LTD. Have a total experience of 3 years in the IT Industry.
I have seen in my stint in this IT Industry that "People are the most vital assests to the company". In the service industry this is even truer! When i went through the posts blow the one issue that caught my attention is the question by SSG if Benefits can be source of Competitive Advantage for a firm.
I found it especially interesting because one of the key reasons of leaving Wipro to join SAP Labs. was the marked difference in the HR policies of the two companies. I preferred to leave my On-site opportunity at Wipro as the benefits in SAP Labs are far superior. I am given free Sodexho Coupons for food, free Bus service (which used to cost a whopping Rs. 1300 p.m. in Wipro) and CTC i was promised was not inflated. Because of all these reasons i have been able to get much more cash in hand for the same package in SAP Labs than i would have got in Wipro.
In fact some of the benefits like Health Insurance were there in Wipro but there was a tedious process of filing for the claims and then waiting for weeks before that money miraculously appeared in your Bank account. Here there are no such hassles- Health benefits are like everything else-pure Cash!
Ultimately the result of above policies in SAP is that i am able t save so much more and in nstruments i want to! The flexi-timings are another motivator for a late morning person like me ;P
All in all i personally feel that superior Benefits make the company so much more lucrative for the employees to stay and work in!
Post by Anonymous...Google
Give the proper tools to a group of people that want to make a difference, and they will.
This is what Google believes in and practices in reality! Well after reading a host of benefits that others have written about, let me share some different benefits that are provided @ Google. Extensive medical insurance is provided, ranging from vision and dental insurance to long term and short term Disability insurance. Google encourages its employees to go for further education, and provides tuition reimbursement and financial planning classes. Under the Gift Matching Program, Google bolsters employee contributions to various non-profit organizations, wanting its employees to get involved in such causes. Google assists our employees by offering financial assistance in the adoption of a child. Other benefits include company movie day, summer picnic, holiday party, health fair, quarterly group offsite, credit union, sauna, discounts for products and local attractions.
Google knows the secret mantra behind attracting and retaining the best available talent in today’s competitive arena.
Search Quality Team
Post by Pankaj Mishra @ IIM Lucknow
Currently I am a PGP1 student at IIM Lucknow.In the past,I had worked in Infosys for nearly 3 years.In my view, benefits and services are the biggest motivators for any employee in the company to derive job satisfaction.We all tend to think on the way we get the hikes in the company and compare with our peers in the same or different company.But more than that ,it is the work culture and environment of the company that makes people to stay longer.
At Infosys, we used to have good gym facility,billiards,TT and swimming pool facility that used to draw chunks of people esp. new joinees .They act as good stress relievers and draw significant number of people to them.
I also remember the Infosys Mysore days,when we were given European style accomodation and all we could have ever thought of.Every new batch of joinees could be easily identified as groups roaming around the swimming pool or playing some game or the other.In a way it was a welcome relief to people out of the academics world and joining the rigours of professional life.So good were the after effects of these facilities that people tended to like Mysore and wanted to stay there for life.It was only after the trainings and city life of the place dawned that people started to take these facility for granted and were back to the real world.
As a company,Infosys has done a great job in fulfilling aspirations of nearly 1 lakh employees with a wonderful induction program and catering to all the employee needs within its facility.It has shown that inspite of tremendous work pressure and deadlines ,software engineers become a motivated lot and can do wonders for the organization.
Post by Kevin Rivera...Systems Maintenance Service
I would like to address the questions raised by SSG.
1. Do organizations give much importance to benefits management because of the cost of employee benefits have raised significantly?
It depends from company to company. Almost all of the fortune 100 companies have separated themselves from the rest of the crowd due to the fact that they make excellent products which only happens because they recruit and retain the top brass of employees. I am working as a Systems engineer in a service based company called Systems Maintenance Service (http://www.sysmaint.com/) in Boston for the past three years. Since this company is a small company of only around five hundred employees and still making its mark in the market, benefits for employees is not its top priority. The only benefits I get is the norm in the market for this job profile. These benefits included: - medical insurance, life insurance, 401k retirement plan, ten days of paid vacation, master’s reimbursement if done in the field which the company specifies, cell phone allowance and laptop allowance.
2. In what way "employee benefits management" provide competitive advantage to organizations?
Since now a days the average salary of a specific job profile is known to the job applicant due to sources like monster.com or dice.com the only way these companies can attract the top players of their respective field is via benefits. Just to name a few of the companies which are highly coveted in the Boston region are EMC^2 and Google. Both these companies, other than matching the best package in the market for the respective job profile, these companies provide various other things that other companies don’t. Example being :- gym facility at the office , full fledge swimming pool , billiards, gourmet food, in some cases company car, freedom of working from home, no formal dress code and various other amenities which are rare to find in an office complex.
3. Do employees place "high value" on the benefits received or do they merely look at them as entitlements or just feel good factor?
I personally would place a high value because if the pay scale is the same across the board then the only thing that will differentiate the job to me are the benefits. If these benefits are making my life easier and relaxed at the work place then yes they do make a big difference in terms of directing my decision one way or the other.
Kevin Rivera
Systems engineer
Systems Maintenance Service
Ravi Kant Awasthi@ SAP
I am Ravi Kant Awasthi working for SAP Labs India from last 16 months. When I joined it I was told that it ranks 8 among all and 2 among s/w companies in terms of employee satisfaction in India and soon I realised this fact also. The funda here is when the mind is free and does not have any kind of restriction then it is supposed to be best in terms of productivity and quality. At the time of hiring, they check that how much you are interested in the kind of work which will be allotted to you and after that they allow the person to work in his own way that is why the interview itself is taken by the person who will be the manager later.This freedom starts from flexibility in timings. No time recording so no compulsion on no. of hours or specification of them. Once in an year goals are smartly decided and you need to fulfil them, so no body cares about timings at all. Other very important thing is that people have good expertise in their areas and they are always ready to help so there is always a helping hand. In terms of growth opportunity, it depends on individual. System is very flexible towards individuals choice and skills. Everybody is free to choose any line i.e. technical, people management, consultant. The knowledge database is huge. You can get several possible solution and people to discuss about them very easily.About other benefits I will say no transportation charges, no restrictions on the internet usage and no charges for lunch. In fact from CEO to security person all share the same canteen! In the work place also everybody is given equal importance. No interference in your work without your permission. I will associate the word FREEDOM with the working environment of SAP.
Ravi Kant Awasthi
Software Engineer SAP Labs India
total exp:25 months
Post by Mr.Ramawatar Sharma...Binani Industries
The second PSU pay revision committee has made a strong case for increasing the salary of PSU employees and put them at par with their private sector counterparts. It has also suggested that variable pay or performance-related pay (PRP) should be made an integral part of the compensation package which should be directly linked to the profits of the company. Extension of tenure beyond the age of 60, post-retirement medical benefits and additional gratuity are some other benefits that will be helpful to retain talent.
Ramawatar Sharma
Vice President
Binani Industries
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Post by Sandeep Rath...Logica
Competition has always been a boon for the end users. In the employment sector, the employees can be compared to the end-users, benefiting from the competition among multitudinous employers. It has become imperative on the part of organizations to go that extra mile, not only to attract but also to retain talent. And companies have now begun differentiating themselves with their exclusive offers for their employees.
These benefits need not be in the form of cash bonuses. Organizations are maturing into a level, where employee care has become one of the high priorities. HCL Technologies is a company that has been globally applauded for its "Employee First" policy, whereas most IT organizations still follow the age-old policy of "Customer First".
I have been working in Logica for more than 2 years now. One of the most distinguishing factors about Logica would probably be its "very informal" atmosphere. One need not wear a tie on Mondays and Tuesdays, knowing well the sultry weather conditions of India – It isn't really snowing out there, is it? However, great care is taken to educate employees on their dressing sense. One can wear casuals, as long as it doesn't become objectionable. During client visits or formal meetings, formal dinners, the dress code is officially announced for all employees to follow.
Moreover, Logica has a very employee-friendly work-from-home policy. This policy is a great boon for people like me, who lose their patience while navigating the snail-slow traffic of Bangalore. I have realized, I am twice as productive working from home as it I am when working at my office. It saves me a great deal of time and energy to work from home. At times, it also turns out helpful, if I need to step out for an hour or half. In fact, most of the MNCs in Bangalore have started adopting work-from-home policy.
Thirdly, a great incentive to employees is the financial structure of our salaries. A significant portion of our salary becomes non-taxable for us. At the end of the day, that helps us take back more money home than we would have otherwise had!
Finally, Logica, like most other IT organizations of our age, has an all-employee club that keeps entertaining employees over a myriad of options.
Leaving aside the IT sector experience, one can draw a lot of employee-care experience from the TATA Group. It is a well known fact that Tata, other than its IT arm – TCS of course, has one of the lowest attrition rates in all industries. Is it because of non-availability of options to those employees? Not really. In a globalised work environment, employees are option spoilt for choice. Tata manages to retain its employees over long periods primarily because it employs exceptionally employee-friendly policies. Countless benefits and perks are offered to their employees – what better than a heavily discounted stay at the Taj group of hotels!
Thus to conclude, in today's work environment, employers have to buy to sets of people – one, their customers, and second, their employees. The way, customers have plenty of alternate options, employees too have various alternatives today. In such a scene, it is not an option anymore for employers to define employee-friendly policies. That's the best way they can attract and retain scarce talent in the market.
Sandeep Rath
Global Marketing Consultant – Group Marketing
Strategic Business Development Group
Logica - Releasing your potential
Post by Samuel B.Jenkins...District of Columbia Government
In my experience with the private sector, I found that the benefits and services used to attract and retain talent were numerous and substantial. Not only that, but in the private sector, there is less bureaucracy so you are more able to implement employee attraction and retention ideas, plans and incentives.
For example, as a Training and Development Consultant for a fortune 500 company (manufacturing industry), I developed a set of 14 policy, procedure, and training manuals designed to improve morale and increase production. As a result of creating these manuals, I also created and implemented the “Pay for Knowledge” personnel development program, where employees may take up to 14 sequential examinations (based on the 14 policy, procedure, and training manuals I created) that test employee’s on-the-job knowledge of production procedures and processes; each examination an employee passed equals a $.05/hour raise. The “Pay for Knowledge” training program was very successful in increasing productivity rates, morale, employee satisfaction and motivation. With a few minor modifications, the “Pay for Knowledge” training program is still in use today.
In the Government, a monetary incentive like this would not work simply due to the bureaucracy and the fact the Government is not motivated by profit! However, we know that in the private sector where an organization is motivated by profit, an incentive to increase knowledge and productivity at such a small cost is a winning and “can do” idea!
Samuel B.Jenkins
Washington DC
Post by K.Rajesh...Cognizant Technology Solutions
Associate of the year
Young star of the week
Wah points (which gets accumulated with every work you do and after that you can exchange the points for gifts)
Another strategy adopted is training. CTS trains its employees in different areas, and continues giving people challenging work. After 2 years as the work becomes boring and monotonous, it trains them in new technology and moves them into that area.
Such practices ensure that employees find their jobs interesting, lucrative and rewarding, and stick to the organization.
Associate- projects
(Team Leader)
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Post by Mr. G.P.Sakunia...Maharashtra Seamless Ltd.
1. Compensation is somewhat more than what he/she deserves
2. Attractive ESOP Scheme is made available to all employees
3. Promotional criteria are made transparent
4. Major achievements are recognized and rewarded properly and timely
5. Attractive performance incentive schemes are implemented and made transparent
(It is against my company policy to reveal the figures for bonus and other incentives)
G. P. Sakunia
Deputy General Manager (Commercial)
Maharashtra Seamless Ltd.
Sarjan Plaza
100 Dr.Annie Besant Road
Mumbai -400 018
Post by Mr. Sunil Patwari...Binani Industries
1) Organizations typically are being faced by the challenges of employee compensation. In these circumstances, employee benefits have come as a welcome respite for most companies. However the very fact that the cost of employee benefits has risen steeply, the importance of these benefits is being re-considered. It has been a debate as to how to manage the mix of benefits and compensation components. In my opinion, the importance of employee benefits can't be undermined particularly because there are so many others (tax seekers) peeking at your money. Any employee certainly appreciates being given the benefit directly over cash. The challenge for organizations is to tap in the right benefits required by the employees.
2) "Employee benefit management" provides a definite benefit to the company. There was a time when it was a differentiator. But now it has become a necessity. The factor that matters these days is how one claims to give these benefits. There are companies who include benefits as a part of CTC of the employee. These measures are not really welcome by the employee when the actual take home comes in. However the corporations who try and keep employee benefits out of compensation claims are adored as good employers. Clearly, an employee benefit management strategy becomes imperative under these conditions. If properly handled, it can motivate workforce over bigger salary components. However most important work is to identify what benefits are sought by the employees.
I would also like to share some additional thoughts. Apart from Benefits & Services, few other important factors to attract and retain talent are:
1) Goodwill of the Company
2) Environment & attitude of Employer & Superiors
3) Liking for the roles & responsibilities given
4) Social Responsibilities of the person
5) Location Factors
Sunil Patwari
General Manager (Finance)
Binani Industries
Post by Paritosh Agarwal...Wipro Technologies
I have been working in Wipro for past 2 years and since then there are many people around me who have left the organization. When I asked them why they are leaving the organization, I got different replies, but one thing was common among all the replies and i.e. “because of HR policies".
Time has not gone too far, when Wipro HRs realized were they are going wrong and they every year they roll out some innovative and fascinating ideas to woo the employees and stop the employees drain out. The different schemes that have been rolled out in Wipro which can prove beneficial to the employees are as follows:-
Health reimbursement policy
Tax exemption for house on rent
Tax exemption for vehicle maintenance
Tax exemption for broadband internet connection
Providing food coupons under tax exemption
In spite of these lucrative schemes, Wipro HRs’ are not able to woo the employees to retain them. Definitely there is something lacking somewhere. After much contemplation and discussions with my colleagues, I reached a conclusion that employees do not get enough monetary benefits. In other words I can say people are looking for bonuses. Bonus is a very old technique to provide benefit to the employees and keep them happy but still it is a hot technique. We can say it is an evergreen technique. In a company like Wipro where head count exceeds 50,000, company can’t think of giving bonus to its every employee. Secondly in such a big organization people don’t get recognition for their work easily. They have to toil very hard and not only compete outside the organization but also within the organization.
In Wipro, before every appraisal all the employees are forced to sign an agreement which states that we cannot join the client for whom we work for, after leaving the organization. When I asked my HR why we are forced to sign this bond, she simply replied, “It is a step to retain out best of talent”. Now that’s what is called an innovative idea to retain the talent.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Post by Anonymous...Genpact
In a company such as ours, people are our biggest resource. We can not afford to lose even a single resource. More so, the ITes industry is constantly plagued with the mounting problem of attrition and issues regarding talent scaricity.

From the earlier oft-repeated phrase of ‘no one is indispensable’, today the key words for any HR department are ‘key personnel’, ‘talent war’ and ‘attrition’. In such a situation, employee retention programmes have gained importance in sectors like IT/ITES, retail, banking and financial services which witness high rates of employee turnover
Where monetary compensation -- salary, perks, stock options – are a given, it is the intangible benefits like career roadmap and bonding of the employee with the organization which determines whether one will seek out greener pastures
Insuch a situation we at Genpact go beyond what is expected and provide the employee with benefits that are more intangible and help the company bond with the employee
The company is extremly supportive towards the women employees. Recently my collegue, who was expecting, had certain issues because of which she had to take an extended maternity leave. The company and all senior managers were extremly supportive towards her and there were absolutely no problems when she almost doubled her leave period.
As the above mentioned case shows, it is much more important to understand a person's problems and step in with the right support. This is much better than having policies carved in stone and trying to push them down the throats of you employees.
In another case a manager whose wife had gone out of the country for a very important assignment wanted the facility to work from home as he had a small child. In most companies male employees find it pretty difficult to avail this facility but again here the company stepped to make all the necessary provisions so that this could be possible.
Other than that, a very strong training department also helps the employee stay on. We provide training that are extremly sought after and expensive such as 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' which is a licensed course from the Stephen Kovey foundation. Other than that there are a lot of training programs that focus not only on the specific business that the employee is working on but also help them become a better person in his personal as well as professional life. Some of these are Time management, Handling Stress and Effective Communication.